The best players in Croatian history

Los mejores jugadores de la historia de Croacia
Luka Modric heads a list full of talents. And it is that despite the small population of the Balkan country and its short history as a, has given many good footballers. FOTO:

Last update 19 June, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

¿Quiénes son the best players in croatian history? An answer to this question, which is not easy despite the young history of Croatian football since the separation of the Balkan country from the extinct Yugoslavia in 1991, when in full outbreak of the Balkan War, declared its independence.

A young football since its first competition as an independent team was the European Championship in England 1996 and his first World Cup in France 1998 donde Croatia ranked fourth in the world. In Russia 2018, twenty years later, were left World Cup runners-up. We are going to review some of its best footballers in its young history as a country and football federation.

The best players in Croatian history

Luka Modric

Ballon d'Or in 2018, world runner-up in Rusia 2018, 4 European Championships and 3 Mundiales. The one of Qatar 2022 It will possibly be the fourth and last of his career where he arrives with 37 años. Possibly the best player in the history of Croatia.

Davor Suker

scorer in the Mundial de Francia 1998, es el top scorer in Croatian history con 45 goals in 69 parties. With a career plagued with success, especially in Spain with the Seville and Real Madrid sheepskins, Davor Suker is without a doubt one of the best soccer players in the history of Croatia.

Zvonimir Boban

The captain of that spectacular generation of the World Cup in France 1998 and the man who left for history that kick to a policeman en 1990 that for many was the prelude to the Balkan War. Best Croatian player among 1991 y 1999, was key in that Sacchi Milan.

Robert Prosinecki

Prosi was another of those key players in the post-war generation of the Balkans who left such a pleasant image and left so much in the England Eurocup 1996 like in Francia 1998. Prosinecki played 2 Different World Cups with two different teams.

Ivan Rakitic

Another of the pearls of Croatian football and an important part of the generation led by Luka Modric. Subcampeón del mundo en 2018, has played in 2 Mundiales (2014 y 2018) y 4 Eurocopas (2008, 2012, 2016 y 2021). Qatar 2022 It will be his third World Cup. It just so happens that Rakitic was born in Switzerland and came to play with the lower teams of the Swiss country.

mejores jugadores croatas de la historia
Ivan Rakitic, with Mario Mandzukic, another of the great Croatian players in history. FOTO:

Dario Srna

Croatian Captain, played during 134 matches with Croatia where he scored 22 goals despite being right back. He developed a large part of his career in Ukraine, en el Shaktar Donest. For long, is one of the best players in croatian history.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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