The player who lost the opportunity of his career for indiscipline

El futbolista que perdió la oportunidad de su carrera por indisciplina
Kalinic was expelled from Croatia in the World. Foto: The Andalusian Post Office

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

As we had last 18 de junio, even long before that Croatia would imagine that this World Cup finalist Russia 2018, Croatia expelled one of its players after playing and winning (2-0) their tournament opener. El motivo, indiscipline, the protagonist, Kalinic, a player who has missed the opportunity of his career as childish as inexplicable reason meanwhile.

Croatian footballer was expelled from his team after refusing to leave to play in the final minutes of the game against Nigeria. When your coach, Zlatko Dalić, he claimed to go out and play the minute 85 del partido, Kalinic refused claiming that her back hurt, which of course did not convince the coach who took the decision to expel the player concentration and send him home two days later.

Now with Croatia in World Cup final, something historic and the possibility of being world champions, Kalinic will have to watch the game from the couch at home rather than from within. And it is that any player would give anything to be in the situation that would have seen him, even if it is on the bench in the final of the World Cup with your country.

Certainly a great example for the players base and is the team, It is always above the individual and not understanding, runs the risk of ending up like Kalinic, losing the opportunity of his life and his football career as selfish act as a child that surely, always regret.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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