Luizao, Benfica player, knock down the referee in the purest Mike Tyson style

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

They played Benfica and Fortuna Düsseldorf, a typical summer friendly, when the minute 39, the match referee expelled Javi García. Luizao, Benfica player, He ran towards the referee to protest the action. In an action that the images do not make very clear, Luizao seems to hit the referee, Christian Fischer, who fell to the ground struck down as if Myke Tyson himself had hit him. Quickly, the players of both teams and linesmen came to help the referee, who required medical assistance.


The match was abandoned. On leaving the stadium, Luizao, He defended his innocence, arguing that he had done nothing and that the referee exaggerated the situation. “I did not want to attack him. I tried to put myself in front of my teammates and the referee fell. “I fear no punishment and continue behaving like. It is unfortunate the attitude of the referee”, He argued the player. The President of Fortune, meanwhile, express: .”he's crazy. I've been in football for many years and I've never seen anything like it. We will ask the German Federation for help”.



Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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