Manuel Neuer confesses to having operated 3 sometimes due to skin cancer

Manuel Neuer confiesa haberse operado 3 veces por un cáncer de piel
Manuel Neuer confesses to having operated 3 sometimes due to skin cancer. FOTO: @AngeliqueKerber

Last update 2 November, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

The news broke this Wednesday 2 de noviembre de 2022. Manuel Neuer He openly acknowledged having had to undergo surgery until 3 times of a skin cancer that suffers on his face. He did so in a statement on social networks with the German tennis player Angelique Kerber. In the same, Neuer pointed out that he shares with the former number one in the world “una very personal story when it comes to skin diseases“.

Neuer talks about his skin cancer

“In Angelique's case, it is a hyperpigmentation related to the sun, and in mine, of skin cancer on the face, I have already had to operate on three times” Neuer recounts in the publication that can be seen on social networks.

The German goalkeeper, is injured in the shoulder but in theory, should be summoned with Germany for the Mundial de Qatar 2022 it will start soon.

Neuer's publication on social networks


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