Real Madrid became the first team to win the Champions League twice since the new format was created

El Real Madrid se convierte en el primer equipo en ganar dos veces la Champions desde que se creó el nuevo formato
Cristiano scored again in the Champions League and Real Madrid is the first to win two Champions row since reformatting. Foto: Juventus-Real Madrid live and online live: Final Champions 2017 JAVIER SORIANO AFP

Last update 3 June, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

Incredible, insuperable, Fantastic…the nicknames are finished for him by Real Madrid in the final of the Champions League 2017. Whites passed over a Juventus who returned to stay in a final. Italians who had only conceded 3 goles en toda la temporada, They were overwhelmed by a Real Madrid that made him 4 goals in 90 minutos. Real Madrid won its third Champions 4 años (2014,16 y 17) and becomes the first team that wins twice in a row since its format change 1993 and incidentally add their European Cup Number 12.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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