Hull player Ryan Mason, in serious condition after head injury

Ryan Mason jugador del Hull, en estado grave tras golpe en la cabeza
Mason moment of impact with Cahill and subsequent evacuation. Foto: The Sun

Last update 22 January, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

The tragedy touched the match between Hull City and Chelsea corresponding to the day 22 of the Premier League. Footballers Gary Cahill and Ryan Mason, Chelsea players and Hull City respectively, collided head to head clash of heads left the stadium mute.

It was the minute 13 game when both players vied air ball. Cahill,Chelsea player hit his head against Mason who finished lying on the floor. The player of 25 años, It had to be evacuated on a stretcher urgency and the field needs oxygen. Mason was evacuated to a hospital in London where apparently the situation is more serious than it seems.

As reported in his Twitter account the average Mirror Football (@MirrorFootball), the player would be fighting for his life after suffering a skull fracture and bleeding in his brain. Hopefully the news remains in just a scare.

mirror football
Sad news portal that gives Mirror Football. Foto: Twitter

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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