Schedules and where to see the Peruvian national team this summer

Horarios y dónde ver a la selección de Perú este verano
Gareca is hopeful about Peru's role in the Copa América.

Last update 29 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Queda poco tiempo para que la selección nacional de Perú vuelva a la competición. With the arrival of June, a long journey begins in which the team led by Ricardo Gareca has two main objectives: overcome the qualifying rounds to Qatar 2022 and the Copa América.

Desde Bookmakers Peru they assure that Peru has high hopes of curdling a great role, especially in the Copa América. But for it, before they should end with good feelings the clashes that will measure Colombia and Ecuador qualifying for the World Cup next year.

Schedules of the matches of Peru

A continuación, We show you the schedules of the next matches that the Peruvian National Team will carry out during the month of June:

Peru - Colombia, qualifier for the Qatar World Cup 2022, the day will be disputed 3 a las 21:00 hours in Lima. For your part, the other match against Ecuador will take place in Quito, the day 8 a las 16:00 hours.

Peru's debut against Brazil in the Copa América, the great challenge as it advances I bet you PDF, será el 18 June at 20:00 hours in Cali. The duel against Colombia will also be held at said venue. (day 21 a las 20:00 hours).

Finally, Peru will bid farewell to the first phase of the continental tournament again against Ecuador, the day 24 a las 17:00 hours, and Venezuela, day 28 a las 20:00 hours.

Where to see the Peru National Team

As has already happened in previous matches, it will be Movistar Sports, through your channel dial 3 Movistar, who broadcasts live all the matches that the Peruvian National Team in the qualifying rounds for the World Cup in Qatar 2022.

Además, There is also the possibility that some confrontations will be broadcast by América Televisión.

That as far as the World Cup qualifiers are concerned, because once immersed in the Copa América, the duels in Peru can be viewed on DIRECTV Sports and also on the aforementioned América Televisión.

Desde I bet you PDF tienen claro que se avecina un mes apasionante para el fútbol peruano, por lo que habrá que estar muy atentos.

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