Sunderland: football as an excuse to learn English

Sunderland: el fútbol como pretexto para aprender inglés
Learning English and playing football is possible thanks to England at home

Last update 30 October, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

What would you think if your children learned English while playing soccer?? This idea can become reality in the Sunderland campus in Spain.

One of the big problems faced by foreign and mainly Spanish footballers who play abroad, is the language. There are many players who do not know English, an obstacle that makes it difficult for them to adapt to the country and even their rapport with their colleagues.

Sunderland and football, the best excuse to learn english

In any professional field and football does not escape it, knowing languages ​​opens the door to many opportunities in the near future and that is why many companies, schools and even football clubs focus on learning the world's most widely spoken language. One of the most successful cases is that of Sunderland, un history of english football which has six English leagues in its showcases, and that makes big camps in Spain for the youngest.

During two weeks, kids of all ages can improve their English and at the same time learn all the secrets of the king sport. Through specialized coaches and professionals from England at Sunderland AFC base school. During that period of time, trainings are given, games, theory sessions, video sessions, group dynamics and many more activities in English.

You will be able to live daily for 24 hours in an entertaining environment where it is pretended to be in the British Isles, but with the advantage of the heat of Spain. Ideal for those who want to succeed tomorrow in football and who at the same time want to be ready with English. As if all this were not enough, two participants chosen by coaches based on effort, talent and performance on campus, will have the right to participate in the entrance tests to the Sunderland AFC quarry. An undoubtedly unique and exceptional opportunity.

El Campus del Sunderland, una oportunidad única de trabajar con profesionales. FOTO:
The Sunderland Campus, a unique opportunity to work with professionals. FOTO:

Where to find out about these campuses?

As seen from the saying to the fact, there is not always a stretch and with initiatives like that of the Sunderland everything seems easier to reach the elite. It takes place in Alicante, Castellón and Asturias. Luxury facilities such as Camilo Cano Sports City de The Bride, in Alicante for a Football campus deluxe.

How and where to enroll?. It is as simple as entering the website of the camp, or contact them on the phones +34 961140980 one he +34 610301801, where the personnel in charge will inform you better on the subject. Sign up, your opportunity is waiting for you. te ofrece la oportunidad de entrenar en la escuela de fútbol base del Sunderland. offers you the opportunity to train at the Sunderland base football school.

We leave you a video of the Campus where you can see all the training methods and activities that take place there

football hung

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