Is your relationship ruining your soccer career?

Last update 21 January, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

amor futbol

When your passion is soccer, reaching the top requires effort and a lot of sacrifice. Por supuesto, also requires time that, desafortunadamente, you will have to get from where there is no. En muchas ocasiones, of the time you spend with your partner. If your girlfriend does not share the same passion for football with you, your career may falter. Even, let it be over definitely. How to know if your relationship is ruining your football career? Let's see some scenarios.

Your partner always argues with you because you don't spend enough time on him

Who wants something, something costs him. The bad news is that to achieve this you will have to work very hard. Not everyone will be willing to wait for you when it comes to marathon days or plans that are canceled at the last minute. Maybe your partner doesn't understand those endless schedules either and discussions are always the order of the day. Most of the time, safe, because you are not spending enough time. These controversies could end up turning off your relationship and, por supuesto, affect your soccer career.

Your partner takes you away from your dreams instead of pushing you towards them

You are clear that football for you is not a whim. Nothing of that, it's a dream. When a couple does not understand each other's dreams, the relationship is most likely doomed. You may come home excited telling how your day was in training and feel indifference on their part. You may also notice that he is not supporting you enough in your career. The opposite. It seems that what I want to achieve is that you abandon your dreams to focus more on the relationship. Remember that as long as you pursue your dreams you will be fine.

Your partner makes you feel guilty for having your own life and goals

Another sign that your relationship is ruining your football career is that guilt has been showing up too often in your arguments lately.. Your passion for football is your dream, pero, after a heated talk with your partner, you end up thinking he’s separating them. Having your own goals and concerns is not a bad thing. Upside down: it's something that actually enriches the relationship. No obstante, if at the end of each discussion you feel guilty for doing something you like, your soccer career could be in jeopardy.

Your partner asks you not to attend important training events

Your partner does not understand how important football is to you and, even, requires you to skip training events. Perhaps you have experienced this situation accompanied by arguments such as: Is football more important than me? There is no doubt that you are between a rock and a hard place. Your partner leaves you no choice and is asking you not to attend those training courses that are so essential in your career. Además, if by chance you say that you are not going to do it, you will end up in a very heated discussion that, once again, will not let you escape.

Have you seen yourself reflected in these scenarios? In any of them? Entonces, It is time to stop and think if that relationship is worth it, since it's taking you away from your dreams. A couple should understand that the other person should have their own goals in life. Instead of walking away from them, should be your maximum support. The specialists of have shown that what makes a relationship strong or weak can make a big difference in achieving goals.

En definitiva, assess if it is rewarding you to continue in a relationship that the only thing that does is put stones in the way of your goals. Weigh the pros and cons and, above all, do not stop following your dreams because they are the ones that will bring you true happiness. If you always wanted to become a professional soccer player, go ahead and don't let anything or anyone get in the way.

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