Cristiano neglect that left Chiellini “Pelotas”

El descuido de Cristiano que dejó a Chiellini “en pelotas”
Cristiano Ronaldo left inadvertently in "pellets" his partner Chiellini. FOTO: Twitter

Last update 20 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Chiellini acabó saliendo desnudo por un descuido de Cristiano Ronaldo

Since the advent of camera phones and even more with smartphones, the theme of the photos and 'selfies’ in the locker room he has gotten out of hand, While the protagonists of these are no longer set or who are behind when party take the picture shift post. Ahora le ha tocado el turno a Chiellini quien involuntariamente ha acabado desnudo ante millones de personas y siendo viral en una foto de su compañero Cristiano Ronaldo.

Luso, He was photographed with the young player AC Milan, Raoul Bellanova, who asked for a photo to his idol in the locker room occupied by Juve. Everything would be fine if it were not in their 'selfie’ no they realized they had behind changing companions or as in the case of Chiellini, naked.

Una foto que rápidamente se hizo viral en las RRSS donde se puede observar explícitamente el miembro del defensa italiano y que por motivos obvios hemos tenido que censurar. And is that the craze for running up to the networks thanks to technology today, do you have forgotten details as obvious as the privacy of the rest.

chielini en pelotas
Cristiano Ronaldo left inadvertently in “pellets” his partner Chiellini. FOTO: Twitter

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