Fernando Torres announces he will leave Atletico Madrid at end of season

Fernando Torres anuncia que dejará el Atlético de Madrid a final de temporada
Fernando Torres will leave Atletico at the end of season (Foto: okdiario)

Last update 1 May, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Fernando Torres deja el Atlético. It's now official. This has been done to know the front and icon Atletico Madrid, The Spanish player has announced he will leave Atletico at the end of the season after 10 años en diferentes etapas en el club de sus amores. Y es que entre medias jugó en clubes como el Liverpool, el Chelsea y el AC Milan.

Fernando Torres deja el Atlético: Se va uno de los iconos del club en el siglo XXI

“It has not been an easy decision, I felt obliged to tell the fans. There was a good time, because we always have a more important game than the previous, but this is a message to the fans. We have a month and a bit together”. ha afirmado el atacante.

Fernando Torres es uno de los grandes jugadores de la historia del conjunto colchonero, having played 393 parties scoring 126 goles. Sin embargo, competition is still ahead and the player is focused on trying to get more lift a title before leaving the entity rojiblanca: “Say nice things have a beginning and an end. The principle was many years ago and by the end there is little. The fans are with the team and reach the final lifting a trophy”.

El futuro de Torres está en el fútbol japonés

Torres seguirá su carrera en el Sagan Tosu de la liga japonesa donde firmará un contrato de año y medio con el club de la pequeña localidad de Saga, en el sudoeste de Japón. A) Yes, ‘El Niño’, emprenderá su última aventura como profesional en el fútbol del Sol Naciente.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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