Inter players accumulate San Blas… Over 60 match ban!

Los jugadores del Inter de San Blas acumulan… ¡60 partidos de sanción!
Unusual what was experienced in the match of the Second Spanish Regional (Foto: FFCV)

Last update 3 April, 2018 por Javi Argudo

Amazing what last weekend lived in a match corresponding to the day 25 del Grupo 12 of the Second Spanish Regional. Inter de San Blas de Alicante and the subsidiary of the Jove Español de San Vicente faced each other.

Shortly before reaching the rest of the party, the home team was expelled from one of his players by the referee contempt, which implies a penalty of 2 parties. The party continued with some normalcy until the minute 88 everything is out of hand.

Con 2-5 the score, carousel came the expulsions to the local computer. First I was Vicedo for assaulting an opponent (4 match ban), subsequently used obscene language and gestures of the same nature (4 further) and finally attack the referee (6 more matches). En total 14.

But it does not stop there. Rosillo and Berenguer, also local players, they accumulated 16 y 14 match ban respectively with individual expulsions also for assaulting the referee, for foul language and mild violence towards referees, as reflected in the record. Aparicio Pérez-Crespo and added 4 match ban each and finally, even the team leader has been banned 6 matches and three months for “failing to fulfill his obligations as field or team delegate, thereby causing endanger the physical integrity of the participants in the meeting ".

En total, more of 60 match ban for the home team, a genuine outrage.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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