Heavy sanction for President of PAOK who broke into the armed camp

Dura sanción para el presidente del PAOK que irrumpió en el campo armado
Ivan Savvidis, president of PAOK (Foto: abc.es)

Last update 30 March, 2018 por Javi Argudo

And punishment known to the president of PAOK that burst onto the lawn of the match between his team and AEK last 11 March armed with a gun. Ivan Savvidis, which it became infamous for this fact, there can regain access to a stadium for three years in addition to having to pay € 100,000 fine.

But the thing is not there. Además, PAOK shall be reduced by 3 points in the standings of the Greek league, which now led, and must pay another 63,000 €. These sanctions may be appealed to the Greek football federation.

This fact caused the greek league will be paralyzed , sin embargo, Greece's domestic competition will resume this weekend. The chairman of the FIFA, Herbert Huebel, He has requested the expulsion of all Greek teams and selection of international competitions. While, from PAOK, It is said that all the problems of violence of Greek football is paying the black and white picture.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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