Sandoval, Rayo coach, assaulted one of his players

Sandoval, entrenador del Rayo, agrede a uno de sus jugadores

Last update 9 September, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

According to Cadena Ser confirmed, José Ramón Sandoval coach of Rayo Vallecano, He attacked the upstart, Venezuelan front of his team, Miku. Vallecano set after demotion, He has not started very well his new career in the Spanish Second Division, la Liga 1,2,3. After losing 3-0 against Almeria and Eve Cup match, coach ended assaulting Miku to the surprise of his colleagues.

Además, Ser has revealed that when the team captain, Roberto Trashorras tried to mediate, Sandoval himself also rebuked him calling him “Captain fucking” y “shut up and stop defending your friend, defends your peers”. Según estas informaciones, He also rebuked them “Ray had dropped to category last year”.

José Ramón Sandoval returned to the Lightning in a second stage after having had a successful first and Paco Jemez replacing a wearing several years in Vallecas and the descent took Granada. The controversy joins the tidal wave in living the house vallecana. If they had enough with the bad start after the descent, statements of club president, Martin Dam, against Marcelino García Toral, They have been the controversy of the week. Sandoval-Miku theme, It is added to a disastrous week for the Lightning.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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