Florence is tinged with viola and yields a spectacular farewell to Davide Astori

Florencia se tiñe de viola y rinde una espectacular despedida a Davide Astori
Florence has turned to bounce Davide Astori. Foto: Twitter / @ValerioCurcio

Last update 8 March, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

El pasado domingo 4 March left us the sad news of sudden and unexpected death of captain Fiorentina, Davide Astori, who she was found dead in the room of Udine where his team was concentrated. Since then, Tributes in the world of football and of course in their city by fans and peers have been senses. But certainly for emotional farewell spectacular city has paid his captain.

Thousands of fans flocked to the Basilica Santa Croce to give the last goodbye Astori. Although the ceremony was restricted to family, friends, players and representatives of institutions, nobody wanted to miss the last farewell to Fiorentina player, Rallying in the square outside the basilica where he has officiated a mass funeral that has shocked the football world.

In addition to his teammates in the current squad Fiorentina, who have come as could not be otherwise, other figures of Italian football and former fellow Davide as Chiellini, Buffon and Allegri, last night played their Champions League match at Wembley against Tottenham, They not have wanted to miss the ceremony. Who has not missed the ceremony was Carlos the 'Rock’ Sánchez, Spanish player, who shocked upon hearing the news of the death of one of his best friends in the box 'viola, He plummeted to mourn last Sunday on the lawn of the Ciutat de Valencia, Levante Stadium.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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