Five things that leaves the first phase of Euro 2016

Cinco cosas que deja la primera fase de la Eurocopa 2016
Los vikingos de Islandia no son para nada un equipo fácil . Foto: AS

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The first phase of Euro 2016 It ends and as is logical, leaves joy and sorrow equally, good and bad feelings and as, many records and curiosities. We have five of them.

1-Cristiano Ronaldo breaks records: Portuguese achieved several records in this Euro 2016. The first of them being the most capped player in the history of Euro. He debuted in the 2004, held in the Iberian country and after 4 editions becomes the most capped player. Then gets another record, the dial in 4 Eurocopas, something no one had done.

Cristiano se convierte en el jugador con más partidos en la historia de las Eurocopas y en el único que ha marcado en 4 de ellas.
Christian became the most capped player in the history of the European Championships and the only one that has marked 4 of them.

2-The “British” Eurocopa: four teams of the islands involved in this European Championship 2016. Irlanda del Norte, the Republic of Ireland, Welsh and England arrived as representatives of football from the islands and the 4 more or less creditworthy, They have passed to the second round.

3-Iceland and Welsh make history (aún más): with their presence at Euro 2016 already made history but this seemed little. Both teams are making history not only for their qualifying round but also for its solvency to do. Welsh makes it as group winners ahead of England and Iceland itself as a second ahead of Portugal.

4-Sweden removing just the international career of Zlatan Ibrahimovic: the poor performance of the Swedes who fall into the first round attached to the announcement a few days before leaving the team football by the Ibrahimovic himself, leave Euro 2016 as the last major international tournament for the Swedish country. Shame go by the back door.

La Eurocopa 2016 es la última de Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
La Eurocopa 2016 It is the latest Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

5-The goals for the end: the first phase has left many unresolved matches scoring between the minute 80 y el 90 more discount. More of 10 parties have resolved goals in these minutes. Last Sweden-Belgium and the Italy-Ireland gave the pass to the Irish with a goal late in the game.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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