Some of the worst signings in the history of Liga MX

Algunos de los peores fichajes de la historia de la Liga MX

Last update 13 September, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

Who have been the worst signings in the history of Liga MX? In a country where every year two tournaments are played in what would such a regular tournament in Europe, it is normal to see how Mexican teams switch sides and trading cards every two months. This constant movement as players, It causes many signings where obviously many go well but many others can end badly. We have some of the worst signings in the history of Liga MX.

1-Roque Santa Cruz: Paraguay signed for Cruz Azul in December 2014 for the Clausura 2015 Malaga from where there had many minutes. Former Bayern striker among many others, not only he not paid in Mexico but spent virtually his entire stay at Cruz Azul injured. Además, It was the highest-paid player Clausura 2015. Apenas 8 months later he returned to Malaga after being discarded by Cruz Azul that he left his signing expensive.

2-Mental Health: the case of Nigeria is poised to be the successor of Roque Santa Cruz but worse. En el verano de 2015, Tigers took control of Nigeria with the idea to form a front luxury with André Pierre Gignac. That's why, He get invested in Villarreal but Ike Uche 5 months later he had not yet made his debut due to a knee injury with which they came to Monterrey. A signing that did not go well.

Esto es de lo poco que se ha visto de Uche en México. Fotos de presentación. Foto:
This is how little has been Uche in Mexico. Presentation photos. Foto:

3-Bebeto: Brazil was one of the best strikers of his time, a player who marked an era in one of the best sports Coruna history. He was also a leader of Brazil won the World 1994. Sin embargo, when he came to Mexico in 1999 to play Toros Neza in his career was not only declining but practically finished. That was in performance was virtually nil.

4-Carlos Lizarazo: at the beginning of 2015 Cruz Azul Edged not well with the signings sight also left with the player who did not play a minute 6 Cruz Azul months. Hiring a real failure for a player who nobody saw or expected throughout the Apertura 2015.

5-Faustino Asprilla: Colombia was another of those great players come unless, if not finished already at that time, they decided to play in the Liga MX to ensure a golden retirement. He signed for Atlante in 1999 which he made it clear that his best moments had passed.

6-Cesar Carignano: en 2007 the American decided to invest in this Argentine striker who was signed from Swiss Basel. All that is remembered was his presentation because it did not play a minute with azulcrema shirt. A signing to forget.

7-Fantick: another draftee who recall with little affection the fans of America, This Brazilian with the peculiar name that came to the Aztec team as a reference in attack and came out almost faster than had as arrived. It was another of those foreigners who do not contribute anything to Mexican soccer.

Fantick con la camiseta del América.
Fantick with the shirt of America.

8-Robin Ramirez: Paraguayan player, Pumas signed him in 2012 but his contribution was as dispensable as little remembered. It was another of those players fill that sometimes tend to reach the Liga MX

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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