Five players who were going to star and eventually crashed (Part III)

Cinco jugadores que iban para estrella y acabaron estrellados (ParteIII)
The Croatian could only show his enormous quality white club. FOTO: As

Last update 5 July, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Players who were going to star and ended up star

Aaron Babangida

Lovers soccer 90 Babangida will remember, that fast player who triumphed with Ajax zamarra and the Nigerian team. Sin embargo, We do not want to talk about him but his brother, Haruna Babangida which was signed by FC Barcelona as a project of crack.

Much she talked about this player who was a standout in football and legendary PC with 16 Two years played in the subsidiary of Barcelona but he never counts on the first team. He completed a long career in many countries without being bad at all has been far from what we projected.

Haruna Babangida, uno de esos jugadores que iban para estrella y acabaron estrellados
Aaron Babangida, a mythical PC Football and one of those players who were going to star and eventually crashed. FOTO: Sports world

Lopez Vallejo

His name came to the fore in 1993 when playing in youth Osasuna was discussed many big teams in Spain at the time and Milan, of the world's best this time, I was going to sign a contract at the rate of 500 million old pesetas per season.

That did not happen and although it had a long career at first and second with Osasuna, Villarreal, Recre and Zaragoza and a tour in Greek football, he spent many seasons as second goalkeeper in several of these teams and their level never became anywhere near that presupposed him when he was a mere youth.

López Vallejo, otro de esos jugadores que iban para estrella y acabaron estrellados.
Jesus Lopez Vallejo in his time as goalkeeper Recreativo de Huelva. FOTO: Xerecism

Robert Prosinecki

En 1991 He was one of the young fashion players. World youth champion 1987 with a Yugoslav team full of talent and one of the members of the team that last played a World Cup under the cloak of Yugoslavia, the croat, It was the crack fashion. outstanding piece of Red Star champion European Cup of that year, Real Madrid was launched by the signing of a player who finished as the man nicknamed glass as they came to be injured kicking.

He played in Spain at Barcelona, Oviedo and Sevilla apart from Real Madrid but never got to see that crack that promised it would be. A player, declared lover snuff something that has cost some health problem. Posteriomente became coach and his careless image as coach of Bosnia gave to talk.

Jonathan Valle

Much she talked about this player when at the beginning of the XXI century was one of the firmest promises of the quarry of Racing de Santander, So it came to speculate that they wanted to teams like Ajax, Barcelona and Real Madrid, history always in these cases. The truth is that the later career of Jonathan Valle has been developed by other Lares. While it got to make debut with Racing, most of his career has been spent in Second and Second B with some experience abroad. Another of those players who were going to star and eventually crashed.

Jonathan Valle otro de los que iba para estrella y acabó estrellados
Despite being a talented player Jonathan Valle has not reached a successful career curdle. FOTO: Brand

Patricio Bernal Rubio “Patri”

Halfway through the decade of the 80 He triumphing as a youth in the ranks of Betis. The siren song came so the mythical Jesus Gil in a fit of those who had, He decided that if Patri was the best junior in the world, or so I was told, He had to be done with it and they do not in any manner but with great fanfare.

He put a tab 15 million of the time it was a lot of money to a guy who just had 16 años. In fact many players earned more First Division. He did not win at Atletico, He went through the youth ranks at Barcelona, by Sevilla in Second, Badajoz and some more equipment but never became a top player as he was a junior-youth where the rush possibly ended projection.boton-siguiente


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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