Who are you staying with, Xavi or Iniesta?

¿Con quién te quedas, Xavi o Iniesta?

Last update 10 April, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Both players represent the Holy Trinity Football. Both are unquestioned, unique, unique aesthetic, titles and everything around football, but if you were to meet with any, what would, Xavi or Iniesta? Sin duda, difficult dilemma today we bring our readers.

Xavi is the oldest of the two. Sin embargo, to their 34 years his experience gives you even more titles that has the manchego. The Catalan midfielder sum 7 Suspenders, 3 Champions, 2 King's Cups, 6 Supercopas de España, 2 Mundialitos Club, a Global, two European Championships and even Olympic silver medal. Spanish Xavi is the player with the most titles in history (21)and only Olympic gold prevents having perfect palmares. Iniesta, four years, younger not wrong in this regard. six leagues, 3 Champions, 2 Mundiales de Clubes, King's Cups, 6 Supercopas de España, 2 Euro Cups and a World Cup, one in which also was fortunate to score the decisive goal.

130 caps, Xavi He makes the distinction touch. It does not have a tremendous speed nor great physical but do not need. Take the ball is almost impossible. His skill with the ball is complete and control the tempo of the great game. Long pass, in short, lack of looting, Xavi also is a player who sacrifices more than it seems running many kilometers along party.

Iniesta con Xavi representan la excelencia del fútbol español y mundial.
Xavi Iniesta represent the excellence of Spanish football and world.

94 caps, Iniesta It is another wonderful profile. A magician, a genius, of those who are born only once every several years. A single dribbler with excellent vision and also arriving, Also in key moments arrival. Theirs was also the goal at Stamford Bridge which earned a Champions League final. Without passing 1,70 like Xavi, Manchego head does not need to finish, just to think, which it is already more than enough.

Para muchos, Xavi represents the football-Control, head, perfection in the game. Iniesta, for others, show added, the touch needed to dazzle the fans. None of them, It has never been Ballon d'Or in what is one of the biggest grievances of France Football and FIFA. Sin embargo, as it happened with other greats, they also know that these awards do not require players to be considered endangered.

Xavi e Iniesta nunca han conseguido el Balón de Oro.
Xavi and Iniesta have never won the Ballon d'Or.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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