Do you know Dybala?

¿Conoces a Dybala?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The young Paulo Dybala is fashionable in Italy. The attacker who despite his name is argentino, you know what it is to score goals with zamarra of one of the largest not only in Europe but in the world, la Juventus. And if that was not enough, the selection of Argentina has already called him ranks ahead of most famous players and some renown.

Born in Córdoba, but Argentina an 15 de noviembre de 1993, the player arrived in Turin to replace another Argentinian but with more name, Apache Tevéz decided to return to its origins, Boca Juniors right after playing a Champions League final with “Old lady”.

En 2012 con tan sólo 18 years the Italian Palermo, He signed him from Instituto de Córdoba. In the Italian box it became based games and goals in one of the leaders of the team while barely 20 years became one of the carriers of the team captaincy. after almost 100 parties in Palermo 21 goles, Juve decided that it should be a substitute for Tevéz.

Moment not erred in its decision. The Argentine has scored 3 goals in the 6 matches played in Serie A with Turin and Messi after injury, Tata Martino, Argentina coach, he preferred to call the young Paulo before an illustrious as Gonzalo Higuaín. We are facing a player that promises much and still have to give a lot to talk. In Colgados as always we will look.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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