Messi breaks records: He is the youngest player to score 200 goals in the Spanish league

Messi rompe registros: es el jugador más joven en anotar 200 goles en la Liga española
Messi debuted in 2004 being a teenager and he is already the youngest player to score 200 goles. FOTO: Captura

Last update 14 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Leo Messi continues to make merits to be considered the best player in the history of football and what lies ahead. Con tan solo 25 years and 217 days, the Argentine star becomes the youngest player to convert 200 so many in the demanding Spanish League, in particular are 201 the goals scored.

Messi, the youngest player to score 200 goals threatens to be the top scorer in history

Messi, thus becomes the eighth player to surpass this figure in the history of the League. Before him they did Zarra (251), Hugo Sánchez (234), Raúl (228), di Stéfano (227), César (224), Quini (219) y Pahíño (210).

Atom, top scorer so far in the League, got this figure at 29 years while Raúl top scorer in the history of the Champions League and third top scorer in the history of the League, it took 5 years more than the crack of Barcelona, in particular he got it with 30 años.

Everything indicates that if nothing happens , The Argentine will shatter the scoring records and in a few seasons he will be the top scorer in the history of the Spanish League. The question that everyone asks is : Is Messi already the best player in history? each one answer the question.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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