Do you know Luiz Adriano?

¿Conoces a Luiz Adriano?

Last update 7 November, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

It is fashionable man in Champions. It's Messi, neither Ronaldo nor the history of who will be the top scorer in the history of Champions at the end of this season by beating the legendary Raul. Which is giving the stroke is Luiz Adriano. If Cristiano Ronaldo broke the record for goals in a group stage of the Champions League scoring nine goals in six games, Luiz Adriano, he has overcome. Nine goals in four games but what is best, eight two to the same opponents, BATE Borisov.

This Brazilian born in Porto Alegre, en 1987, llegó en 2007 con tan sólo 20 Shakhtar Donetsk years which already takes many seasons. The shirt of the Ukrainian club has produced the machada, eight goals in two games BATE Borisov whose players may eventually traumatized to Hurricane Luiz Adriano that was primed with those.

Thanks to this curious machada, Luiz Adriano, It became just two weeks in one of the Brazilian players with the most goals in the Champions. Además, It is next to Messi, one of the two players who have managed to score five goals in a match Europe's top club competition and the best of the world. A milestone that puts at least, in one of the many anecdotes that leaves the sport.

El portero del Bate ve Luiz Adrianos por la noche.
BATE goalkeeper Luiz Adrianos see at night.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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