And after Centenario, qué?

¿Y después del Centenario, qué?

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Last 12 de octubre, Mexico's America club fulfilled a century of life and, against what one would expect to be not only a long life but economically powerful institution, holding over 2016 It was gray, anodyne, almost inexistent.

Ignore this way, from inside, a celebration that should have been historic and apotheosis, It is a contradiction and a mistake that definitely makes managing your current policy, headed by President Ricardo Pelaez Sports, and that can make your destination the short term because I do not any of the three titles that the Eagles played in the second half of last year was obtained: the League and Cup in the Mexican championship, and the Club World Cup in December.

america vs real madrid mundial de clubes
Real Madrid ended the hopes of America in Club World 2016. Foto: The nation

Initially known by the nickname of Creams, without a doubt is the most controversial team Mexico, and along with Chivas of Guadalajara the place of honor is disputed as the most popular. America, known as the "bad boy" of the film and the other, as "good", together they dramatize what is known as the classic of classics national football.

Why the "bad guy"? Because you created the aura of Almighty, corruptor of authorities and continuously receives "aid arbitration". A version that falls torn down by its own weight and that the sector of sports journalism that has promoted, for at least four decades, He never has been able to substantiate with facts and concrete evidence.

And I say that this accusation fall under its own weight from the fact that America alone has 16 títulos de Liga, and although it is the top winner of scepters on Aztec soil, It is a very poor crop for 100 years of existence of the institution. If you have the support of officials and referees, You should not have more laurels to his credit? Más aún: celebrated in Mexico for two decades a couple of short tournaments per year, You would not be expected if "blessed" from the federal heights, win at least one in each annual period?

In relation to such securities, precisamente, In other action in bad faith against the institution azulcrema, the animosity that has been created him, They are intended to unfairly ignore the four scepters made in the "amateur'época" national football (It comprising from 1902 hasta 1943), to which he disparagingly calls "titles 'The Chanfle'" in reference to a children's film starring on 1978 by the famous comedian Chespirito "Chespirito", in which it appears as protagonist primarily, under the absurd argument that only have validity achievements in the "professional time" (de 1943 To the date).

Sin embargo, "Erase" those four consecutive titles (in seasons 1924-25, 1925-26, 1926-27 y 1927-28) would mean, in automatic, also disappear all the events that happened at that stage, as are shares of the Mexican national team in World Championships and Olympic Games, and exploits local court and also individual figures who forged his own legend, of which I mention only two: Horacio Casarín and Luis "Pirata" De la Fuente.

Luis Pirata Fuentes
Luis Pirata Fuentes. Mexican soccer legend.

Due, It would be like saying Iberian players who took refuge in Mexico by the Spanish Civil War, back in the early 30 the last century (as Isidro Lángara, Gaspar Rubio, Luis Regueiro, among others), They never came to Aztec lands to shed talent and make history.

It is noteworthy that in other countries, as the same Spain, Italy or England, no distinction is made between the times when football was played almost "for art's sake" and then when there was already paid for it. Titles are titles, Mexico and is intended only out of ignorance and bad faith ignore an era that is perfectly recorded in the historical archives.

Serve the above to put into context the importance of the club America in the national football, and it was shown last December when he lost the "holiday ending" (held, by regulatory failures of the Mexican federation, el 25 from December) League against the Tigers at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, serial criminal. This being a hard and penetration club only regional (the North, the mostly industrialized area of ​​the country) his crowning triumph and caused many "antiamericanistas" fans will celebrate achievement throughout the national territory like that of the Selection or, at least, your own team.

Clear, teasing by the end of the year without a title did not wait. Failure to sports should be added other factors that misted over what should be a memorable celebration: literally presenting a uniform deslavado, with a gruesome design and, apart, away from the official colors of the institution in his long life: azulcremas. And if that was not enough, as a second dress was elected a beach burgundy, when it was presented publicly it was justified on the grounds that it was a tribute to Torino, of Italy, which it was the rival of America in the opening game of the stadium "Azteca", scenario that celebrated half a century in the same 2016.

Después, and after much anticipation and dissemination, He unveiled "the anthem of the Centenario" which was entrusted to a dark composer, without much experience and merits,, It turned out to be a sad copy of the official song of Sevilla Spanish, whose board insinuated his annoyance with a hint of plagiarism lawsuit.

plagio al sevilla
The hymn of the centenary of America of Mexico was copied to the Seville 2005. Foto: ESPN

To finish, no friendly match was held to celebrate the event in October, under the pretext that "big clubs did not have that time available". A rather hollow apology if you take into account that in the week of the anniversary every league in the world for being suspended FIFA Date, which would have provided any "top team" Planet viajase to Mexico invited by the American.

And ending with a roster was drawn up without major figures or references, with a generation of players and veterans and uncommitted and undisciplined, the result was a total failure, which should be facturárselo almost enterito Directive, whose release would have to say the Eagles, with everything and the poor planning and execution in administrative and played futbolístico- 60 games for 2016, They reached five finals and two finals, and a single title was achieved (that of Concachampions, Scepter delivering the greatest team the Confederation of North America, Central America and Caribbean Association Football).

That's why, and although it has strengthened the team with more foreign middling (relegating to casi the absence in the starting lineup Mexican, and even more, the canteranos), and he released another uniform away their identity (a green that have nothing to do with the story), the question is whether America will achieve this 2017 heal their wounds last year with a performance worthy of his lineage and up to one of the deans Mexican football clubs.

camiseta verde

While the Centenario as such has passed, commitment should be that: return to the Eagles greatness and pay a debt of honor to his fans.

Javiera. Gordillo Pérez

voracious reader, passionate writer, and hungry follower good game of football at any latitude and time. Romantic heart and ball, proudly Mexican and hanged for football.
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