Barcelona lost their first league match against Real Sociedad

El Barcelona pierde su primer partido de Liga contra la Real Sociedad
Piqué has committed seven fouls in the entire League receiving five yellow cards

Last update 20 January, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

one day it had to come, and it was in the least indicated week. After the commotion caused by the Bomba Valdés, Barça lost its first match in this League after 19 days without knowing defeat. His executioner was the Royal Society, who beat the azulgrana with a goal from Agirretxe in the last minute (3-2).

There were two versions of Barça. One that, spinning around Xavi, scored two goals in the first half hour, and another, longer, who also had his chances, but that granted more spaces to the Real. This two-way game was not a new bet, already seen this season, although it seemed certainly risky, especially taking into account that the Barça team had an advantage on the scoreboard.

Tito Vilanova's players gave up subduing their rival based on possession, convinced of being able to kill the encounter in quick actions. They did not count on Real being able to get back into the game and benefit from the expulsion of Piqué and an own goal from Mascherano.
Con solo 10 footballers on the field, the second part was an ordeal. The visitors were never able to stop the momentum of the Basque team. And when Barça already considered the tie good, Agirretxe took the opportunity to complete the surprise and extend the most hectic week in recent Barça history.

No one would have said it when Messi started having scoring chances as soon as the game started. The Argentine missed the first, but he did not forgive in the second. With Iniesta as perpetual assistant, Leo received in the frontal, He outlined and nailed the ball tight to the stick, out of bravo's reach, the man who had started the action with a poor clearance.

The lawn wasn't perfect., irregular, softened by the rain. But the Barcelona adapted well, they played judiciously, always together, supported by Xavi. with pause, calmly, with patience, the Barça opened the seams of the Real. He did it with a shot at Pedro's post and repeated it with a pen play, pim-pam-pum.

The ball belonged to Xavi, Iniesta and Messi stretched Real's defense to the left, Pedro was positioned as a center forward and Alves appeared completely alone on the wing. Perfect movement of the chips. The Brazilian surprised, controlled well and centered low. Pass of death for Pedro to push the ball into goal.

The duel had gone really well for the Vilanova team before reaching the minute 30. And rather what seemed to be when Xavi threw a pass behind the rival centre-backs.. Messi and Bravo started the race when the ball was in the air. There were two freight trains hoping to arrive at the station first.. The Argentine won.
Messi hit the ball before the Real goalkeeper ran over him and the ball went straight towards the goal. I'm flying, I come flying. Against the wood. The stick once again stood in the way of the Blaugrana. No time to breathe, The San Sebastian team launched the counterattack. Barça had not got it right, but if Chori Castro would do it.
The Uruguayan caught the center from the right, enjoying all the space that Dani Alves had given him. Control with the left and cross shot, very difficult to reach for Valdés. Del 0-3 al 1-2 just before the break.

A certain déjà vú was in the air., the repetition of the crash experienced in Anoeta last season, when Barça took the lead with two goals and ended up giving up a draw (2-2). Sensation that increased watching the start of the second half, with a very intense Royal Society, trusting in their possibilities and with the azulgrana losing the north.

The expulsion of Piqué for a double yellow card ended up upsetting a Barça with nerves on the surface, aware that victory was necessary to calm the troubled environment. The first card was received by the center-back for avoiding the quick serve of a foul. La segunda, for cutting an internship.

Mascherano entered the field to cover the hole in the defense and had a quick impact on the game. A shot by Chori Castro with the right was deflected by the Argentine center-back, completely misleading Víctor Valdés. With the score even, Real ceded the initiative to Barça, invited him to attack and leave large spaces behind him.

The coach of the San Sebastian team, Phillippe Montanier, says the entry to Agirretxe, his tall center forward, with two clear objectives: be able to unload balls for his teammates and try to finish off a cross into the box. And it did perfectly. With the time already fulfilled, Carlos Martínez got away from Busquets and Alba on the wing and sent a ball into the area. Mascherano lost the mark and Agirretxe sent the ball to goal.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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