Changing life of Royston Drenthe

El cambio de vida de Royston Drenthe
Drenthe had to work very hard to return to football. FOTO: Instagram / roya2faces

Last update 24 January, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Royston Drenthe It is one of those players with a more than peculiar history. Signed for Real Madrid in 2007 cuando apenas tenía 20 años, his life and career have led more laps than a spinning top. Ahora, past the 30 y After leaving football to 29 for rapper, returns to enjoy the beautiful sport in the Dutch Third Division with the shirt of the Cossacks Boys . But his return to football last year to play at Sparta Rotterdam was not easy.

Lost 22 kilos in 8 months to return to football

Drenthe which measures only 1,68, He came despite 96 kilos after leaving football to pursue his dream of being a rapper. Obviously, if I wanted to return to football, He needed to lose more than 20 kilos and said and done. Training in a gym that he owns with some partners and trained by them, along with a diet that self Drenthe he claimed “not recommend anyone”, He got into waist never better

"Have 31 años, and if you want to keep must be careful. It's not like when I was 20 años, in Madrid I ate a burger and did not care. The day after did not notice” Dutch footballer said in an interview with Diario As. A) Yes, Drenthe He was subjected to brutal training Crossfit, Boxing and Kick Boxing and He crushed a great time on treadmills and other machines from the gym to go from fondón to to look thinner. Or what it is the same thing 96 a 74 kilos, a normal weight for their height.

Drenthe perdió 22 kilos
Drenthe published on his Instagram account their physical progress after hard training. FOTO: FOTO: Instagram / roya2faces

Real Madrid and Hercules their teams in Spain. A globetrotter football

He went from Drenthe the League was not the best. Real Madrid was never consolidated despite being in white club from 2007 hasta 2011. Also in this period He spent a year on loan at Hercules, en la temporada 2010-11, where he started like a rocket but defaults caused the Alicante club got in absentia.

Also its lively nightlife that brought him some trouble in Alicante, They did their part. At the end some fans even ended up doing some graffiti on the door of his house. Then he went through the Premier, Russia and the UAE before retiring for a year and a half to play again at Sparta Rotterdam in Second 18-19 and the Kozakken Boys of the third division of their country. A real globetrotter.

Drenthe en los Kozakken Boys
Drenthe presentation as a player in the Boys Kazzaken. FOTO: AD.NL

A busy life off the field

Drenthe always he lived a busy life off the field. To give you an idea, en 2010 con 23 años, already had 3 hijos, a los 31, 5. Shortly after arriving in Madrid, when I had not been a month in the city, It was caught speeding overnight against direction with its luxury car on a central street of the capital Madrid. El jugador, He argued that his GPS had mistaken him. Something could happen, only that it was five in the morning and trained the next morning.

He came to call a program of the heart to end tucked into an argument to defend her friend, who was stuck in stories salseos. But these are just some of his many wanderings. Como ya hemos dicho, con 29 years he left football to enter the world of singing as a rap singer to later return to professional football. “I can not do the nonsense that made” He explained himself Drenthe, a kid of barely 31 years with much more life above normal at that age.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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