CFF Albacete abandoned match for insulting the referee

El CFF Albacete abandonó partido por insultos del árbitro

Last update 8 January, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Outrageous. Sólo así se podría definir lo sucedido con el CFF Albacete en la liga de 1ª Regional femenina de Castilla de la Mancha. Albacete players box, They withdrew from the party that faced them before the Fuensalida. The thing has crumb and it seems, they came to live so embarrassing moments that touched the grotesque and oddly enough, these things happen more than what appears in the regional football.

According to testimonies from the players themselves, coaches and people who were at the meeting, trencilla attitude was totally deplorable. He came to admonish a player saying “toma, a card beautiful” and he repeated it several times. To another player who protested it a very questionable move that was not well placed, I answer “it's too cold to run”. He even tell the players who had only one point in January, to stop claiming that they had nothing to do.

It looks like, when they demanded that lost time rivals came to answer that he could not add more time to party “because it had an after dinner”. The fireworks ensued when the referee went to a player saying “What the hell do you want?” where as the coach said CFF Albacete, the referee came to adopt an aggressive attitude with player which led to the field decided to withdraw the team.

Another of the players reported that it was not the first time that this referee was riding some other ruckus. witnesses, one of the players of Fuensalida, CFF rival in the party Albacete, le habría preguntado al árbitro si éste no iba borracho como la otra vez a lo que éste respondió “this time I'm doing well, will not be problems”. Goodness.

Football Federation of Castilla-La Mancha has opened a file. If so unknown as witnesses recount, imagine that if, What we do know, as we told you at the beginning, is that unfortunately these things, and they spend a lot every weekend in the fields of regional soccer Spain.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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