The classic bottles, Madrid-Barcelona rivalry taken to extremes

El clásico de las botellas, la rivalidad Madrid-Barça llevada a los extremos

Last update 31 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Barcelona and Real Madrid have never gotten along well is something that escapes no one. Economic differences, social and political extrapolated to the sports field. Two ways of understanding life, represented by two different conceptions football. Sin embargo, sometimes tense rivalry that has exceeded the boundaries of what is allowed, and things have burst its banks.

That was what happened 11 de julio de 1968 in the final of the Copa del Generalissimo.. Madridistas and blaugranas arrived at Santiago Bernabeu, headquarters that final, prepared to demonstrate its power to the opponent. Whites had been victorious in the league and aspired to double with players like Amancio, Sanchis or Pirri. The Barca, meanwhile, It was second in the domestic championship and had in its ranks Rexach or Pereda.

The referee's decisions was Antonio Rigo, Mallorcan referee, and number 1 in the list of preferences Barcelona, club he had called in 13 de los 30 League matches (the system of choice of arbitrators took into account the elections teams). An important, more if you consider that in the semifinal of the same year had a certain role for arbitration scandal committed in the duel Barca and Atletico.

Un partido para la historia, "el clásico de las botellas".
Un partido para la historia, “classic bottles”.

Como no podía ser de otra forma, The game started bronco and hard, until the minute 6, Real Madrid Zunzunegui own goal scoring the only goal Barcelona, and that ultimately serve to give the title. The goal sparked the onslaught of whites in search of an equalizer, which caused several controversial plays, especially two penalties (to clear and for other nonexistent) Amancio and Serena on madridistas that the public discussed much.

He became so monumental anger at referee, the game ended with fans throwing glass bottles and plastic on the lawn of the Santiago Bernabeu, action served to christen the meeting as ” the end of the bottles”. The image of General Franco cup giving players the field littered with objects game went around the world and showed that the rivalry of these great Spanish football surpassed that of any other country.

El Bernabéu se llenó de botellas como protesta por la actuación arbitral.
The Bernabéu was filled with bottles to protest the arbitration proceedings.

Following there, Some media reported that after the end of the Barcelona managed to mount a business to the referee Rigo in Palma, and a chalet, in return for favorable treatment during the meeting. Sin embargo, so very true, it could never prove such a claim for sure.

What if it was clear from that night, was the ban on glass bottles entering the soccer fields. A measure still banned, as the main security measure.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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