Women's football, an unstoppable phenomenon

El fútbol femenino, un fenómeno imparable
Megan Rapinoe is without a doubt the current star of women's football. FOTO: vandal.elespanol.com

Last update 18 July, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

He Women's Soccer France 2019 He left a tangible reality, an unstoppable phenomenon that still some, without much sense, they want to deny. As real as what the fútbol femenino It is here to stay.

High hearings of parties, the level shown by most teams that have played in the tournament and attendances at stadiums, They make it clear that it's time to bet on them all, once and for all. That has been the great success of the finals play in the French country.

En concreto, esta Copa del Mundo de 2019 He has broken attendance records, audiences and selling brands, something that shows that with proper media coverage, el fútbol femenino if you interested in fans, and a lot. For example in the United States, It has much more pull and produces more money fútbol femenino the male. Sin embargo, they charge more.

The unstoppable growth of women's football in Spain

This tournament has also left us a clear reality in Spain, Women's football is taking giant steps, perhaps faster than the clubs and institutions own. Since these, They followed in most cases by their women's team playing at its Ciudad Deportiva, with little capacity for public and few facilities for television rather than in the stadiums of their first men's teams.

If something has made it clear this World, Besides the technical level, tactical and physical women's football has jumped obvious quality, is that if the right conditions are put, the public responds. Without going further, Spain's hearing-EEUU It reached nearly half million viewers to the screen only in Spanish territory.

Also in stadiums at the time the audience responded. Thus we have seen more entries 20.000 spectators in stadiums like Levante and over 55.000 at San Mames or Wanda Metropolitano. But yet still they play only several specific games a year.

Pese a todo, todavía queda mucho camino por mejorar

USA confirmed because it was the favorite in all sports bets and raised his fourth title in his story. Something extraordinary when you consider that only eight editions have been played since the creation of the Women's World Cup in 1991. He has won four Olympic gold medals and one silver, however little talk about it.

In fact the whole American own captain and arguably the best player of the tournament in French soil, Megan Rapinoe, He complained about it. And is that the same day the World Cup final in France 2019, also played the Copa America and Gold Cup Men. Something that would not have happened if he had played the final of a men's World Cup.

“It is a terrible idea to put everything on the same day, in every sense, obviously there are two other finals today launched, but this is the final of the World Cup. This is like the day to cancel all” He said one Rapinoe also charged hard against FIFA by the vast wage gap between male and female football. Sin duda, aún queda mucho camino por mejorar.


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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