Enis Bardhi vs Leo Messi, the two best shooters missing face to face

Enis Bardhi vs Leo Messi,  los dos mejores tiradores de falta cara a cara
Enis Bardhi and Messi. the two best pitchers in the world lack. FOTO: Levante OUT

Last update 24 September, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Enis Bardhi vs Leo Messi, the Ciutat de Valencia live a duel between the two best shooters faults in Europe and if we look at the numbers of both, possibly the world. A game marked by the 5-4 Levante that he endorsed the Catalans last season and will face two of the best teams level scorer.

Two players, a Macedonian and an Argentine, both with the 10 the back of a Barca shirt and touching the 1,70 tall but as is obvious, with many differences in their game. Leo Messi It is arguably the best player in the world but White He is a player with great talent and a very high level, but with much career still ahead.

bardhi en el partido ante el valencia
Bardhi in the match against Valencia this season. FOTO: Brand

The percentage of Bardhi better than Messi

White, which he scored two goals that Barca in May machada 2018, It has better success rate in launching fouls Messi. As we already told you,  Upon arrival atLevante the small Macedonian marked 6 official free kick goals,  and he has done 24 Attempts whereas for example the ArgentineLeo Messi He has scored in the same period 11 en 100 Attempts, so the success rate of granota player exceeds astroBarcelona


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