What happens to Messi?

¿Qué le pasa a Messi?

Last update 17 April, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Leo Messi goes through what is possibly the worst moment of his career. The Argentinian, of apenás 26 years seems to be far from what it was. Despite his tremendous youth, He has won it practically at the club level, something that he cannot say about his team with which he has participated in two World Cups, passing with more pain than glory. What happens to Messi?, Are you thinking more about the World Cup than about Barcelona?.

Go ahead that set, He is not helping the Argentine. A team that depended on the game of its bastions and that a tremendous lack of planning has left caught with tweezers in positions as decisive as defense and goal.. But the Argentine is not here and the matter has already come from afar.

Messi lo ha ganado todo a nivel de clubes y a nivel personal. Todo menos un Mundial.
Messi has won everything at the club level and on a personal level. Everything but a World Cup.

The end of last season, left the Barça team very touched, especially after the serious correction received by Bayern Munich at the end of April 2013, practically a year ago. In Hanging for football we already discussed it (see here) and the matter far from being fixed, has become more entrenched.

The Argentine seems to have lost the spark, hunger and even ambition. That affects your game, where he has been delaying his position until almost playing closer to the midfielders than to the attacking point where before it was lethal. It is true that he has scored goals lately but it is also true that many of them have been from the penalty spot. Another fact that can be attributed to the Argentine is his disappearance in the important parties.

They say comparisons are odious, but many people, especially the new generations who have not seen other great players in history play, they say that Leo Messi is the best player in history. In personal opinion I disagree and a lot because although the Argentine swells to score goals against much weaker rivals in easily resolved matches, when the moment of truth arrives its wake fades until it goes completely unnoticed.

It can not be helped, when you hear that he is the best player in the world, think about players like Pelé, Maradona or Zidane among others who were capable of carrying their teams behind their backs until they became world champions. And here the other question, Is the Argentine playing with certain reserves for the next World Cup??. Let everyone draw their own conclusions.

¿Qué le pasa a Messi?
What happens to Messi?

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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