Teams that won five titles in the league followed

Equipos que ganaron cinco títulos de su liga seguidos

Last update 10 May, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Winning a league title in professional football, is the country that is, usually it's complicated. Winning five consecutive seasons is a milestone within reach of very few teams. Which for example has recently achieved Juventus with a dose of epic if possible. Y es que los de Turín andaban por media tabla hacía abajo tras completar una primera parte de torneo bastante decepcionante. Desde 2012 They dominate the Serie A but is not the first time you get. So they did between the season 1930/31 y la 1934/35.

Other team managed the feat was Real Madrid. He did so in two different periods with Juve, in between 1960/61 y la 1964/65 and the famous and celebrate Quinta del Vulture. Aquel equipo consiguió ganar la Liga entre las temporadas 1985/86 y 1989/90. Other teams that were achieved in Oporto 90 and that legendary Torino the years 40. Inter also won it in the middle of the first decade of the century but with an undertone, Juve and was deprived of a title when they were demoted to Serie B in court.

But the absolute record is held by Olympique Lyon. While Real Madrid and Juventus have managed to perform the feat twice, Lyon got even harder to win 7 titles in a row between the season 2001/02 y la 2007/08. Unos datos que podemos ver en la infografía de


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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