La Quinta del Vulture is part of the history of Real Madrid

La Quinta del Buitre forma parte de la historia del Real Madrid
La Quinta del Vulture. Spanish football history. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 27 July, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

La Quinta del Vulture He was a benchmark for Real Madrid and football 80. They are also Spanish football history. At the beginning of that decade , Second excelled in a country plagued talented team. This was none other than the Castilla, the subsidiary of Real Madrid.

It was specifically in the season 1982-83, when the second Madrid team gave exhibitions in the Second Division, marching leader and destroying all historical records of the category. They were champions of the silver division of Spanish soccer, which no subsidiary has achieved so far, and a couple of years before had been able to play the final of the Copa del Rey (when the subsidiaries could play) against their elders, contra el Real Madrid. That acquaintance final de Copa de 1980 entre Real Madrid y Castilla what happened to history. And that led by the way to Castilla to play the European Cup Winners' Cup.

The beginnings of the Quinta del Buitre

but who were they the components of the Quinta del Buitre? In that team early 80, They highlighted five players who arrive after the first team and the Spanish team and among these kids stood one above all. His name as everyone knows responded to that Emilio Butragueno, su mote, 'The vulture’ and they called her fifth “La Quinta del Vulture”.

It was the journalist Julio César Iglesias who published an article in the newspaper The country el 14 de noviembre de 1983 titled «Amancio and the Vulture farm».

The other four components of the fifth were ; Sanchis, Michel, Martin Vazquez and Pardeza. The first to debut with the first team of Real Madrid were Sanchis and Martin Vazquez. Fue Don Alfredo Di Stefano who made them debut, el 4 from December to 1983 against Murcia. Con 18 años, both they had an outstanding performance and Sanchís even scored the winning goal.

Shortly after Párdeza debuted, the component with less impact of the fifth, but only he played seven minutes in his debut and returned to the subsidiary to play there most of the season. A few months later, el 5 de febrero de 1984, Emilio Butragueno was going to debut.

The Vulture" debuted in Cadiz. He left when his team was losing by two goals to nil. The match ended Real Madrid won by two goals to three with two goals of Butragueno. The "Vulture" began his legend from the outset.

The latest debut was Michel. He played all season 83/84 in Castilla and debuted on the first day of the following season although later it would be one of the best of that fifth. Butragueño, Michel, Sanchis and Martin Vazquez were to consolidate in the first team while Pardeza continue even in the Castilla two more seasons to finish marching to Real Zaragoza, where then it would become a reference for maños.

La Quinta del Vulture He was part of the team that won five Leagues in a row (1985-1990), two UEFA Cup (1985 y 86) and a League Cup(1985). His biggest moon was not winning the seventh European Cup, title that resisted until Pedja Mijatovic's goal in 1998. Only Manolo Sanchís was the only member who managed to win the Champions League.

La Quinta del buitre en 1994
La Quinta del vulture during the 90's PHOTO: AS Color

Precisely also was the last member of the fifth to leave, the first had been Párdeza. Martin Vazquez came in 1991 Torino direction but she returned to the rows Whites 1994. Butragueño came in 1995 and Michel 1996.

All the components of Quinta del Buitre were international

The five came to agree on the Italy World Cup 1990, where all were selected to represent Spain. Butragueño and Michel played in the Mexico 1986 also

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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