Last update 15 January, 2021 by Alberto Llopis
Antonio Cassano He is known as one of the coolest and most eccentric players Italy has had in recent decades. In Spain it is also known for being one of the worst signings in the history of Real Madrid. Italy striker díscolo, He arrived in January 2006 Madrid and not highlighted during the season and a half dressed white zamarra, at least on the pitch as off it, He gave a lot to talk.
Antonio Cassano, buns and their extra-sports life in Madrid
The first was the sorry state so that sported on arrival at Real Madrid in which he could appreciate considerably overweight, more than that. Nothing more and nothing less than 7 kg more wearing on him which made his physical, varied considerably from that of a professional footballer and as it was logical, It affected their performance. Excess flab understood after learning that the player, confessed himself, gobbled pastries even at night before going to sleep.

And is that when asked to “Tolentino” for his life in Madrid, he said that Spain lived well, “many beautiful girls and food”. According to Cassano his good day was made up of sex and food and is that according to confessed, every night up to a lady (the of) and after having a good time, He finished off the night with a bowl of milk and a couple of rolls before going to sleep. So his success on the field was somewhat compromised.
A step with more pain than glory
Finally, He was best known for the number of women with whom he slept in Madrid and the amount of buns eating, which it caused a tremendous overweight, that his goals and actions on the green that was what Real Madrid, he paid a fortune. Performance says it all, in season and a half, juice 24 official matches and scored two goals before leaving for Italian football where a few years later with a heart operation in the middle, would end up retiring . A pity that a player of his talent, waste your quality on the Spanish league.