Last update 19 June, 2013 by Alberto Llopis
Spain has won seven titles between absolute and lower grades from 2008. a World (2010) and two Eurocopas with absolute (2008 y 2013), two Sub Eurocopas 21 (2011 y 2013) and two Eurocopas U19 (2011 y 12) adorn the windows of Spanish football since the team won the Euro 2008 with that legendary goal from Fernando Torres. You can talk about the best generation of Spanish football history and is the best thing as reflected in the lower grades, mimbres to last no more.

With a game of touch and possession implanted in the lower grades, Spain, He has managed to impose its dominance in the European and world football over the last half decade. With talented players in all lines, in any lower category selection mentality inculcated by good football and ball skills. The Spanish team has great players from absolute to lower grades.
Much of players today in absolute champions were also in lower categories. Casillas and Xavi without going further were champions of the World Sub 20 in 1999. Fernando Torres was the star of the team that won in 2002 Euro Sub 16.

Five years have passed since that exhibition at the Vienna Prater was the beginning of a dream group to the generation that is going strong led by Isco. Half a decade and seven titles in what are the best generation of Spanish football, in which we can regard as the golden age of Spanish football. The following challenges, Confederations Cup with the absolute and the U 20 with another generation of winners, without losing sight of this course the World Cup in Brazil next year, which may be the confirmation that we are facing the best team ever.