The former Barca involved in a porn video

El ex del Barça involucrado en un vídeo porno

Last update 28 September, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Footballers are likely to get into some puddles. His fame, youth and fortune, joined a short head in some cases, They make them targets of all kinds of people and problems. But tell that to Giovanni Dos Santos, Mexican player former Barca and Villarreal could be put in an alleged blackmail attempt after being recorded on a homemade porn video with a model in Los Angeles.

The news came in Mexico and the United States itself where various media claimed that the player would have been recorded with a known model in a mansion in Los Angeles that was supposed to be full of hidden cameras. According to the news coming from American lands, the video would be offered in search of the highest bidder for issue. Definitely something bad for a player who had found peace in the “soccer” americano.

Giovanni Dos Santos, like his brother Jonathan, he left very young to Spain for training in the youth ranks at Barcelona. There he made his debut soon, at a very early age in the middle of the first decade of the century but soon faced with the possibility of not playing every minute unwanted, He sought a way out. After a tumultuous journey in teams like Tottenham, Galatasaray, Racing de Santander and Mallorca, He arrived at Villarreal where he found a better version. Before leaving with just 26 years in 2015 an undemanding league level and as little as the American MLS where he joined Los Angeles Galaxy.

Mexico is not new to get into these pools since a while ago circulated a nude photos of him the player had allegedly sent some of his ligues. In the picture you could see the naked Mexican front of a mirror. And is that as we said at the beginning, just start this article, the players are likely to get into many puddles.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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