The importance of grassroots football

La importancia del fútbol base
Grassroots football is one of the pillars of professional football.

Last update 16 October, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

As the name suggests, el youth football it is one of the pillars on which professional football is based. The vast majority of professional soccer players reach the elite after a long journey of training and growth in the hundreds of thousands of soccer schools that we can find throughout the planet..

It is evident that to reach the elite, a great deal of talent is required, but also discipline and hard work from the grassroots. Hundreds of thousands of young soccer players develop their activity in as many thousands of soccer schools but only the chosen ones arrive. And bad training, among many other things,, can leave the best and most talented footballer in the world by the way. That is why a good methodology becomes essential in this part of the pyramid..

The importance of methodology and playing games in grassroots football

As we have already talked, to collect the fruits it is very important before having sown correctly. Con el paso de los años, footballers acquire certain skills, behaviors and technical gestures that the higher the formative stage, the more difficult they are to correct. To get to that point you have to be very clear at each stage of the youth football things like what should we train, when and how.

But it is equally important to play and play many games because competing from a young age without losing the educational and playful horizon, It is what will provide the future footballer with experiences and enhance his qualities. No parties to back them, workouts are not enough. And for this, a good organization of the competitions is necessary not only at the level of the different football federations but also of certain tournaments.

A) Yes, we find professionals like ESSAY, who are experts in the training of players at an international level and organize numerous campuses of technification in grassroots football and Football tournaments in Marbella, Fuengirola, Madrid, Gandía or Salou among many others. These types of professionals complement the training received by grassroots soccer players and have gradually been incorporated into the pyramid that every soccer player must climb to reach the elite..

The grassroots coach, an unrecognized work

Javi Gracia, current Valencia CF coach went so far as to say when he coached Málaga CF in 2015 what: “The elite coach must be given importance, but the true value is in the grassroots coach, what has no economic or social reward. It's a people trainer. If it was not for him, not many potential players would reach First. If I was president of a club, I'd spend a lot more money on grassroots coaches“.

A statement that shows the reality in which the coach / trainer lives who works countless hours in the youth football generally for an almost symbolic economic compensation and that many times has to perform different functions in addition to that of a coach such as that of an educator, psychologist, utillero and in some cases even chauffeur. A job that, as Javi Gracia says, should be better rewarded economically and socially.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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