Mexico was the withdrawal of Spanish players in the 90

México fue el retiro de jugadores españoles en los 90
Vulture on his time in Celaya. FOTO: Mexicodigital

Last update 9 November, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Mexico was the retirement of Spanish players over the years 90. The Aztec country was the favorite place of illustrious Spanish footballers who found there the ideal place to finish their professional career. Some left dissappointed, others go unnoticed, but they were all pretty much pioneered an era where the player rarely left Spanish football league, even in the twilight of his career. Then you go over the best known.

Butragueño paved the way for Spanish footballers for whom Mexico was the retirement in the 90

He Athletic Celaya together with three of the five members of the Vulture farm. The first to arrive was Emilio Butragueno who after finishing his career at Real Madrid, he decided to emigrate to try his luck and finish his career in Mexico. The result was pretty good. He marked in three seasons 29 goals despite failing to end a goal sung, He left very dissappointed there.

After the success with Butragueño, Celaya tried with Michel and Martin Vazquez, two other well-known members of the famous fifth Vulture that had dazzled in the 80's. Neither triumphed there. Michel played two seasons and Martin Vazquez one.

México fue el retiro de muchos jugadores españoles en los 90
Atletico Celaya with three of the best players in the history of Real Madrid, but with a few more years. FOTO:As

Other illustrious Spanish players for whom Mexico was the retirement

En 1996 Puebla arrived at one of the Spanish scorers of 90 and a player may not recognized as it deserves. Carlos Muñoz, He noted for being a scorer in Oviedo that used to end up in the top of the table. In the twilight of his career, He thrashed by Mexican fields showing that he still had powder.

Following the success of Carlos Muñoz, Puebla tried with two former Zaragoza, Higuera and Miguel Pardeza package, the latter also a former member of the Fifth Vulture. Neither he managed to match the performance of Carlos and tiptoed through its Mexican stage.

Another known Spanish player from that era that ended in the twilight of his career in Mexico, Mari Bakero was Jose. The former Real Sociedad, Barça and the Spanish selection, he signed in 1997 by Veracruz. The participation of the brave Basque player with the Sharks was quite discreet.

México fue el retiro de jugadores españoles
Jose Mari Bakero and Bernd Schuster lived the twilight of their careers in Mexico PHOTO: As

Ya en en el siglo XXI, other players arrived like Javier Manjarín, former Sporting, Deportivo Coruna and international Spanish. The Spaniard played between 2001 y 2003 with the shirt of Atletico Celaya and Santos Laguna. That decade also come to Mexican soccer Pep Guardiola, but that, it's another story.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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