Javier Manjarín, one more school Mareo

Javier Manjarín, uno más de la escuela de Mareo

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

For many of our fans, Javier Manjarín will be remembered by the hand to hand failed to David Seaman in the quarterfinals of the European Championship in England 96. Sin embargo, This Spaniard born in Gijon 1970 It's much more than that. It represents the taste for good football for many Mareo had the School of Sporting.

And that is precisely Javier Manjarín can be defined as a typical product of the school gigonesa. With scarcely 15 years became part of the lower categories of Sporting, y con tan solo 19 años, He had already debuted in first division. In fact, su primer partido, Sporting was the defeat against Athletic in the Molinón by 0-1.

But would the season 90-91 Jump the quality of Manjarín. With scarcely 21 años, Sporting managed to qualify for the UEFA Cup accompanied by such illustrious figures as Juanele and Luis Enrique. Its importance in the team was such that it led him to participate in summer 92 the Olympic Games in Barcelona, where they get their greatest success, to be crowned Olympic champion.

Javier Manjarín career would be a new leap in the campaign fichado 93 Superdepor by Augusto Lendoiro would pay his clause then 200 millones de pesetas. There in the Depor, achieved Cup 95 after being present in defeating the league after the missed penalty in the last minute Djukic. His outstanding performance earned him Coruñes team to be summoned to the Euro 96 where the selection would fall in the quarterfinals against England at the legendary Wembley after a resounding failure that would accompany him the rest of his sporting life.

Manjarin con la camiseta de España en la Eurocopa de Inglaterra del 96.
Manjarín with the shirt of Spain in the European Championship in England 96.

En 1999, Manjarín signed for Racing Santander, equipment which would be up 2001, getting to dispute a total of 61 parties. After passing through the Sardinero, astuariano decide the change of scenery and try his luck in Mexico where it would join the ranks of Atletico Celaya first and after Santos Laguna.

Finally, Manjarín return to Spain to finish his career in Arteixo Second B, to the orders of Jose Ramon, his former teammate at Deportivo and brother of the great Galician lefty named Fran. Currently, Javier Manjarín is dedicated to participate in the Indoor League veterans representing Deportivo Coruna.

Manjarin jugó en el Deportivo.
Manjarín played for Deportivo.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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