The great human gesture that costs Bielsa suspension in the French Lille

El genial gesto humano que le cuesta a Bielsa la suspensión en el Lille francés
Bielsa challenged the Lille to spend the last moments of life of his friend Luis Bonini who died of cancer. Foto: FRANCOIS LO PRESTIAFP-PHOTO/ ELMUNDO.ES

Last update 23 November, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

When there is loss of life at stake and especially if they are from people close, everything else has to go into the background. Something that perhaps did not understand the directors of Lille in Ligue 1 French with controversial coach Marcelo “El Loco” Bielsa who seeing his former colleague and friend coaching staff Luis Maria Bonini his remaining few hours of life, he decided to travel to Santiago to bid farewell to his friend and spend the last moments of her life with him. Something that Lille has not shown much tact.

The French club decided to suspend the Argentine coach of his duties, something that despite the poor results and classification of club, He has not sit well to football. Marcelo Bielsa in Lille asked permission to travel to Chile to see Bonini was already very serious. When told that no, Crazy answered: “I'm going to see my friend. Do what you have to do”. French with an official statement suspended from office the Loco.

Bonini died a few hours later because of a bloody stomach cancer and most likely is that Bielsa is dismissed from Lille and possibly lose a succulent amount of money for it. But Bielsa is a type of sterner stuff, a peculiar but very faithful to his ideas man and his principles cost him who would cost and who falls. You may like more or less his footballing speeches or his way of being but what is undeniable is that it is a type integral and true to himself. And now that's hard to find on this planet.

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