Gerrard will leave Liverpool this season

Gerrard dejará el Liverpool esta temporada

Last update 2 January, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

Gerrard will leave Liverpool. The news spreads like wildfire on social networks. Al parecer, The legendary Liverpool player will announce in the next few hours that he will leave Anfield Road for the American MLS. There is talk that the club closest to completing his signing is the Los Angeles Galaxy, David Beckham's former team.

Capitán, idol, password at Anfield, Gerrard will leave Liverpool after 17 temporadas en el primer equipo de “Los Reds” where debut in 1998. He will do it with a Champions League, two English Cups, three League Cups, one UEFA Cup and two UEFA Super Cups. To his 34 años, This Premier classic has decided to seek new horizons in the US MLS. A league that seems to be back on its feet as in the 1990s. 70 y los 80, when he began to sign star players already at the twilight of his career like Pelé, Beckenbauer, Cruyff, Eusebio, Best and many more who played in the old NASL.

With his departure and that of Lampard, despite the fact that the latter is on loan at City, the MLS will bring together two of the best, if not the best, English midfielders of recent decades. I'm sure Anfield, He will know how to give a fair farewell to his idol as he did a couple of seasons ago with another of his mythical ones., Jamie Carragher who by the way has been one of those who confirmed Gerrard's departure through his Twitter. It will take a long time for Liverpool to have a player to fill their gap..

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Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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