Liverpool Anfield reform and abandon the construction of a new stadium

Last update 16 November, 2012 por Julio Muñoz

Liverpool CEO, Ian Ayre, announced today that the club has abandoned the project to build a new stadium in Stanley Park to focus on a remodel of the legendary Anfield, con 120 years of history behind him.

In a press conference at Liverpool City Council in which an agreement with the City Council to invest 25 million pounds (31 millions of euros) in the regeneration of the area where the current stadium stands, Ayre stressed that “everyone recognizes the importance of today for the club”.

Ayre has officially closed the Stanley Park project, the colosseum for 60.000 viewers that was screened in 2002 and whose works have never begun.

El Liverpool, eighteen times champion of the English league and five times of the Champions League and the European Cup, “celebrated his 120 anniversary this year at Anfield and there is no doubt that that is our spiritual abode. Our preference was always to stay”, Ayre stated.

“One of the biggest challenges in building a new stadium from scratch is that you don't win 60.000 spectators, but simply the difference between the capacity you had before”, Ayre reflected, for whom that calculation “makes it hardly viable” tear down the current colosseum to build a new one.

“The option of staying in the current stadium had already been studied before. The fundamental difference is that for the first time the parties involved have presented a common initiative”, the manager highlighted.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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