Van Persie signed for Manchester United

Last update 21 September, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Arsenal's Dutch striker, Robin van Persie, has been transferred to Manchester United, as announced by both teams this Wednesday on their respective websites.

“Arsenal Football Club confirms agreement has been reached for the transfer of Robin van Persie to Manchester United”, the London club says in its statement. Arsenal needs, además, that the player will travel to Manchester on Thursday to finalize all the details of his contract and undergo the relevant medical examination.

“Manchester United is pleased to announce the agreement reached with Arsenal for the transfer of Robin van Persie”, For its part, the Dutch striker's new team indicated, chosen as the best player of last season in the Premier League after scoring 37 goals with the Gunners.

Van Persie announced at the end of the last European Championship in Poland and Ukraine his desire to leave Arsenal, considering that the club was not ambitious enough to try to fight for all the titles with the big European teams.

The Dutch striker, de 29 años, was courted by the current English champion, el Manchester City, and for the Italian Juventus, although in the end he was United's manager, Alex Ferguson, who has convinced him to join the Red Devils.

Neither of the two clubs specified the transfer amount, but it could be around 20 million pounds (unos 31,4 millones de dólares).

If no problem arises in the next few hours, Van Persie could debut with his new team next Monday, against Everton, in Manchester United's debut in the Premier League.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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