Grandes fluffy League: Mickael Madar

Last update 21 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Mickael Madar fue uno de los tantos extranjeros que llegaron tras la Ley Bosman the late 90, a time where market opening and the new television contract, wreaked havoc on many teams signed great players but also lots of whitebait. Let's just say a lot. That was the cross of Depor late twentieth century to that template that won the League 2000.

Mickael Madar, un despropósito más del Depor de finales de los 90

At this time they came in between players of dubious performance, including the French underground nineties that was far from being a reference Espanyol. If we over which we coincided with the great Renaldo and that a year later would be replaced by Manteca Martinez y Crazy Abreu, possibly we say everything. And that in that team 1996/97 He had superclasses as Mauro Silva and Rivaldo.

Nacido en 1968, llegó en 1996 this Depor who was preparing to participate in the first and possibly only Liga de las Estrellas. The truth is that seeing the crappy Photoshop noventero they did to your Chrome, the thing did not promise much about the green.

Imagen del photoshop noventero de Madar...casi nada.
Photoshop image noventero Madar…almost nothing.

Finally serious injury, discipline problems and a confrontation with several heavyweights of the team made its way through the League summarize a season 17 parties, 3 goles y la sensación de que le francés no daba la talla para una competición como la Liga. Something that as we have explained many times, tuvo que ver la Ley Bosman y los mega contratos televisivos que hicieron ricos a muchos representantes y arruinaron a muchos equipos con saldos a precios de oro.

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