Historic or not as historical climbing category

Históricos o no tan históricos que suben de categoría

Last update 22 June, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

The controversial end of the playoffs for promotion to the First Division ended with Córdoba as the new team of the highest category. The Andalusians achieved it agonizingly with a goal in the minute 100 which was preceded by a field invasion by the fans in the minute 92. Fair punishment to a hobby that did not respect the rules of the game ( as it happened in its day in Alcorcón-Ontinyent) and that he took a lesson that will take time to learn.

More of it, Córdoba's promotion serves to review with the arrival of the end of the season 2013-14 to some of the historic Spanish football players who change their scene for the next year:

1- Córdoba: under the baton of Albert Ferrer returns to First after 42 años. He will play in the elite of Spanish football for the tenth season. Creado en 1954, never exceeded 11th position as the best result in First.

Incidentes por todo lo alto en Las Palmas. La afición saltó antes de tiempo.
Incidents in style in Las Palmas. The fans jumped ahead of time.

2- Lobster: go up to Second of Second B. Directed in the box by Isabel Torres (coach Oriol Alsina's wife), plays on the local artificial grass field with capacity for 1.300 personas. In the year 2008, was in the Catalan Territorial Preferential. Six years, then he will step on the silver category for the first time. A good step for a town located in Girona that barely exceeds the 8.000 habitantes.

3- Loyalty Sports Club: Villaviciosa will have Loyalty in Second B next season for the second time in its history. The modest Asturian outfit with barely 200.000 budget euros will seek to consolidate in a hard category. Highlight that there is a veteran on your staff: Francisco Javier Castaños, 41 years and a globetrotter of Spanish football.

4- Langreo: he got to be eight years in Second A in the middle of the years 70 but in recent times he has lived a Calvary in the Third. At last, the Asturians return and do so after dodging a very tough tie in Merida that ended with incidents between the two fans.

El Mérida-Langreo acabó con dos heridos debido a los incidentes previos.
The Mérida-Langreo ended with two injuries due to previous incidents.

5-eldense: the Catalans are back on their own terms and will step on the bronze category after seven years without doing so. Creado en 1921 the team, this time they will play their matches at the Nuevo Pepico Amat, where they will try to turn their stadium into a fort to continue taking steps forward.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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