Just Fontaine, the top scorer in World Cup history

Just Fontaine, el máximo goleador de la historia de un Mundial

Last update 8 December, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

It does not enjoy the fame of his countrymen Zidane, Platini or included Ribery. Not possess gold balls and the other big scorers reconomiento do have either Ronaldo, Romario, Klose or even Hugo Sánchez. Sin embargo, when you look at the record for goals scored in a single World discovers who heads the list is Just Fontaine. It happened in Sweden 1958, in an era when scoring goals was relatively more common today, but where he headed a France that was far from being a great power.

Born in Casablanca in 1930 (years where Morocco was Protectorate of Spain and France, Interestingly nationality of his mother and father), although Pele managed to win his first world championship with 17 años, Fontaine managed the feat of being the best player of the tournament. For it, he led his team to the semifinals, frame 13 goals and demonstrated an unprecedented power to drill networks.

Something that did not surprise those who knew him because they knew their enormous capacity. Endowed with a great opportunism and a remarkable desire scorer in three years 127 games with the US was able to score Casablanca 294 allowing goals to 23 years taking our bags and landed in Nice, where he plays three more seasons until 1956 He joined the great Stade de Reims. A magnificent set with which won two French Cups (plus another who he managed to Nice), and above all reach the final of the European Cup 1959, in which also end up as top scorer with 10 goles, even ahead of Di Stéfano.

Of course it would be foolish not to recognize that part of the race and the memory of Fontaine was going to build in summer 1958 in Sweden. In the finals accompanied by a man named Raymond Kopa, She would happen to history with capital letters. After debuting with a hat trick against Paraguay and double against Yugoslavia, the first phase would end with another goal against Scotland. Six goals that would add two to Northern Ireland in the quarterfinals and one semifinal against Brazil.

With nine goals, still have time to give third place to France with four goals in the 6-3 that the Gauls were going to get to West Germany and that would give third place. Dianas he would get a gun from the Swedish organization in recognition of his great championship and they were going to be passed into history as the player with the most goals in a World Cup with 13, Kocsis or ahead of Müller

Top scorers in World Cup
13 goles: Just Fontaine (FROM) en 1958
11 goles: Sandor Kocsis (THEIR) en 1954
10 goles: Gerd Müller (RFA) en 1970
9 goles: Ademir (BRA) en 1950 Eusébio (BY) en 1966
8 goles: Guillermo Stabile (ARG) en 1930 and Ronaldo (BRA) en 2002

Fontaine acabó a hombros en Suecia 1958.
Fontaine ended shoulders in Sweden 1958.

His legacy:

Retired in 1966, the year he took over the team from the bench blue, still enjoys the honor of being the fourth player with the most goals in World, It is only surpassed by Ronaldo and Müller addition to the still active Klose. Sin duda, a nice legacy for which in his day was the best scorer and 9 the world and the best French player of the last 50 años, according to French Football Federation.

The top scorers in the history of the FIFA World Cup
15 goles: Ronaldo (BRA) in three editions (1998, 2002, 2006)
14 goles: Gerd Müller (RFA) in two editions (1970 y 1974) y Klose (2002, 2006 y 2010)
13 goles: Just Fontaine (FROM) en 1958
12 goles: Skin (BRA) in four editions (1958, 1962, 1966, 1970)
11 goles: Sandor Kocsis (THEIR) en 1954 y Klinsmann (GIVE) in three editions (1990, 1994, 1998)

Fontaine es el cuarto máximo goleador tras Klose, Müller y Ronaldo en Mundiales.
Fontaine is the fourth highest scorer after Klose, Müller and Ronaldo in World.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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