Monday, February 10, 2025

The top scorers in the history of Brazil

Last update 30 September, 2024 by Alberto Llopis

Los top scorers in the history of Brazil son jugadores icónicos que han dejado una huella imborrable en el fútbol Brasileño.

¿Quiénes son los futbolistas brasileños con más goles? Neymar surpassed the Pelé's record for more than 50 years and is he máximo goleador de la historia de Brasil

Neymar encabeza la lista con 79 goals, seguido de Pelé con 77 goals. En tercer lugar se encuentra Ronaldo, who scored 62 times.

To the 21 years, had already slipped into the table the ten top scorers in the history of Brazil, con 35 goals in 51 matches with the Brazilian team. And already entered the 30 became the máximo goleador de la historia de Brasil.

A list with names like Ronaldo's, Romario, I drink it Zico in addition to Pelé's, who also played fewer games than Neymar with the Brazilian team since the calendars of the time did not host so many international matches. We are going to review who are the ones who have scored the most with the yellow jacket of the Brazilians.

Top scorers in the history of Brazil:

1-Neymar 79 goals in 125 parties
2-Skin 77 goals in 92 parties
3-Ronaldo 62 goals in 98 parties
4-Romário 55 goals in 70 parties
5-Zico 52 goals in 72 parties
6-Bebeto 39 goals in 88 parties
7-Jairzinho 44 goals in 107 parties
8-Rivelino 40 goals in 120 parties
9-Leonidas 37 goals in 37 parties
10-Tostao 36 goals in 65 parties
11-Ademir 35 goals in 41 parties
12-Ronaldinho 35 goals in 100 parties

máximos goleadores de la historia de Brasil
Skin (RIP) He was for decades the top scorer in Brazilian history. PHOTO:
máximos goleadores de la historia de Brasil
Ronaldo is at the top 5 of the top scorers in the history of Brazil. PHOTO:
goleadores brasileños
Ronaldinho left a lot of magic and also some goals to get on the list. PHOTO:
Alberto Llopis
Alberto Llopis
Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol

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