Fiorentina gasket 3 Players whose parents left their names in football 90

La Fiorentina junta a 3 jugadores cuyos padres dejaron sus apellidos en el fútbol de los 90
Hagi, Simeone y Church, three illustrious names in the XXI century Fiorentina.

Last update 1 December, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

In another article you parents and children talk about footballers, how many suckers had followed the family trade and had dedicated, with more or less success , the world of professional football. One of the best examples of this is the Fiorentina 2017/18, which pairs 3 players whose parents left and in some cases still leave, his name in the world of football. Si les hablamos de Church, Hagi y Simeone sure they come to mind, Facet coaches leaving behind, these 3 players in 90. Well then, these 3 surnames match the team of beautiful Florence.

The Fiore joins 3 hijos de 3 famous footballers of the 90

Ianis Hagi, Gio Simeone and Frederick Church develop his career at Fiorentina XXI century, more than two decades after their parents will walk their international football fields 90. Ianis Hagi, nation in 1998 and he debuted in 2016 with Fiorentina. The son of Gica Hagi, el Maradona de los Cárpatos He born in Turkey when his father played for Galatasaray but chose Romanian citizenship from his father. Italian-born Federico Chiesa 1997, He is the son of Enrico Chiesa, a classic of Italian football that among the multitude of clubs that played, so he did at Fiorentina. Now his son follow in his footsteps.

The contrast of all is Gio Simeone, born in 1995 and son of coach and former player Atletico Madrid among others, Diego Pablo 'El Cholo’ Simeone. Fiorentina has paid 15 million euros by the son of 'Cholo’ que en la 2016/17 frame 13 goals in Serie A with Genoa. Los 3, great future players, They have a lot of work and time ahead to match racing their parents.

hagi simeone y Chiesa padres
Hagi, Chiesa Simeone and parents in 90. His children agree Fiorentina in the 2018. Foto:

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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