Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The League 2014/15 marks the lowest drop in history

Last update 1 April, 2024 by Alberto Llopis

League is over 2014/15. The Spanish tournament closed with Barcelona as champion, Real Madrid as runner-up and with Atlético and Valencia closing the honor roll. Seville fifth and Villarreal sixth complete the table of Europeans together with Athletic Bilbao who with seventh place will go to Europe if or if. However the League 2014/15 he has left a record perhaps negative and that is that never saving himself was so cheap at least since the victories are worth three points.

Season 2014/15: El descenso más barato hasta el momento

Since the victories ceased to be worth two points to add one and, no season had saved less than 38 leaving the drop in points 37. In this season, the thing has ended with a triple tie to 35 thus leaving the cheapest salvation in history. For example the fourteenth and fifteenth Getafe Levante obtained salvation with days in advance, almost without last minute rush adding 37 points.

El Levante se ha salvado con una de sus peores puntuaciones en Primera, 37 puntos.
Levante has been saved with one of its worst scores in First, 37 points.

Córdoba with one of the worst scores in the history of the League of three points has dropped with 20 points while Almería has done so with 32. Granada, Deportivo and Eibar tied a triple tie to 35. A triple draw from which Eibar was injured, which ended in Second after signing a first round of Europe.

El histórico desplome numérico de Éibar y Córdoba

And it is that the Basque team added 27 points on the first lap where he finished eighth and only 8 in the second, signing one of the worst laps in history, that was overcome if Córdoba himself, who has only conquered three points in the entire second round, not being able to win more than 19 matches and finish a lap without winning a fact that in the First Division it had been a long time since he saw. Es de hecho una de the worst turns in the history of the League.

Meanwhile, those at the top have added more points than ever, and for example, Valencia has been fourth with more points than they did when they won the League and Sevilla with the best numbers in their history, which was fifth. Some data that makes it clear that the League, it is more broken than ever. The best league in the world say, everyone to draw their conclusions.

Alberto Llopis
Alberto Llopis
Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol

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