Bale and Cristiano's Chileans come to video games

Las chilenas de Bale y Cristiano llegan a los vídeojuegos
Las chilenas de Bale y Cristiano llegan a los videojuegos como este de

Last update 5 June, 2018 por Alberto Llopis


Certainly they were two of the best goals in the Champions League 2017-18, for its aesthetics, its spectacular and well at the moment and the importance of both. We talk like no, Chilean Cristiano Ronaldo against Juventus Turin and Gareth Bale against Liverpool in the final in Kiev. both golazos, They earned a title and left for history. While staged many gifs, memes, and now a browser game.

The game developer,, He created a game called ‘Biciycle Kick Challenge’ where you can choose between Portuguese or Welsh and emulate its Chilean in the top European competition. A game that hooked us trying to make the more possible goals in the time granted us. With an aesthetic that brings us to the most romantic memories.

Probably because of importance of the moment will remain outstanding of Bale perhaps because Cristiano was in the quarterfinals but do not forget that it was before a whole Juventus, in their stadium and which they say is the best goalkeeper in the XXI century, Gianluigi Buffon, delante. Fans are divided as between choosing one or the other. Something that in this game you can even play with both and decide for yourself who's Chilean brand.

How about? Take a few games and see how you hooked

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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