Llorente, a step Juventus

Llorente, a un paso de la Juventus

Last update 3 January, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Juventus does not give up in their efforts to sign Fernando Llorente. Newly opened winter transfer market, the Turin club has launched its latest bid for striker, who he is willing to sign immediately, this January, for an amount of around four million euros, according reveals the newspaper 'Tuttosport'.

The Turin club was one of the most sounded last summer as a destination for Llorente, Once it became known that the striker would not renew his contract with Athletic, which ends next 30 de junio. Italian leaders jointly submitted, according to Italian media, an internship offer 20 million euros in its day.

The main stumbling block that carry out the operation was the position of Athletic. Josu Urrutia already made clear in August that it would not negotiate the departure of international player; or the 36 million listed in its clause or nothing. Six months later, little or nothing has changed: Atletico still in position castled.

Juventus considered prohibitive that amount and is not willing to increase its last offer for the striker who is free 30 June and which can then be at zero cost.

In fact, is more than likely to be the fate of Juventus in summer Llorente. The player has already practically closed conditions of the contract with the current leader of Calcio. The new contract could unite Fernando Llorente to Juventus for the next four seasons with an option for a fifth.

The sporting director of the Italian company, Giuseppe Marotta, He had closed the chapter of winter additions to Peluso, while lesion Chiellini and the inevitable lack of Asamoah, Ghana will participate in the African Nations Cup, You can change it all. “We will continue to be attentive to the market, but we are now well well”, says Marotta, although in Italy do not see it so clear.

It may be a strategy to make the Juventus Athletic considerably undercut their claims, though hardly you get it. Fernando Llorente seems doomed to fulfill his contract in Bilbao as a substitute for Aduriz what remains of course.

Por ello, the Italian club already has plan B in case the Athletic not give, As it seems. Didier Drogba and Marco Borriello are the other two alternatives that manages to reinforce Juventus ahead of the Champions, If finally you fail to close the signing of world champion. Everything should be solved this month.

Remember that the current regulation on the statute and trnasferencia players clearly states that the first thing you should do the club interested in a player's contract ends notify in writing the current team player. Athletic and awaits.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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